Leocoril is my first ever D&D character I created in 2022 and one that I still play in an active campaign. This means that his story isn't finished yet. This info site is mainly for Leo and his story, but it also contains my other OC's Lorién's story since he is a big character in Leo's life as well as some other NPCs.You can read this website as a story by clicking the first link (WEBTOON) at the top of the link list or jump to a specific page.
I hope you enjoy.

Life at the Monastery for Troubled Boys is already hard enough for Leocoril. He's the only half-elf in the sea of human monks, TROUBLED boys, so of course they are going to pick on him. But it certainly doesn't help when the head of the Abbey picks him as his apprentice and starts paying the kid extra attention. As years go by it gets harder for him to bounce back in this place.. How long can Leo fight back before he looses his morals and turns into the perfect weapon Lorién so wishes him to be?

RACE: Half Elf (Wood)
D&D CLASS: Monk (Way of the Drunken Master)
ALIGMENT: Chaotic Good
AGE: Currently 18 in the campaign
HEIGHT: 181 cm / 5'11
• Leo has brunette, slightly curly hair that falls on his eyes. It looks like it could use a good brushing and is mostly kept tied in a little rattail.• He has greyish blue eyes and his body (especially his face) is full of light freckles and scars.• For extra protection Leo wraps his limbs and torso in thick wrappings, since he can't use armor to protect himself.• He mainly uses his fists to fight but also owns a (cursed) dagger Whisper that he stole from the monastery.• Leo goes nowhere without his necklace, which has the Symbol of Eona hanging from it. His ears are also pierced, with 3 piercings on the right side and one on the left. One of the piercings always holds a blue crystal jewel.• He has a pet mouse named Toby that he carries around with him.

RACE: Human
D&D CLASS: Monk (Way of the Open Hand)
ALIGMENT: Chaotic Evil
AGE: Around 28
HEIGHT: 191 cm / 6'3
• Lorién Castelet is the Bastard Prince of Bright Capital and the son of the Queen. He's currently the head of the Monastery: Abbey of Eona.• He was disowed by the Royal couple and banished from the castle after assassinating the Prince, his younger brother, Kal.• He has blonde long hair and bangs that falls on one side of his face. The hair is mainly kept in a high ponytail but in some occasions he might braid it. Rarely is it seen completely open.• He has piercing green eyes, some freckles and a single scar on top of his lip that seems very out of place. He usually wears his monastery uniform and wrappings similar to Leo's.• Lorién's go to weapon in fight is his quarterstaff or his fists.
This is the world Leo's story and our D&D campaign sets in.
The world is created by our lovely DM @ whatisaperie.

I'm going to tell you Lorién's backstory first, because in timely order he was born first. Also his current place at the monastery is important for Leo's story.
Lorién was born in the Bright Capital to the life of a commoner. His father was an absent dad and Lorién seemed to inherit all of his bad qualities. He was trouble since birth.One day his father took off and abandoned the family, leaving Lorién and his mother Cora on their own. However no long after his mother found a new husband, the King of the Bright Capital. The marriage meant Cora became the Queen of the Bright Capital and Lorién the Bastard Prince - and they both moved to live at the castle.For a while Lorién was next in line for the throne, but his dreams for the crown and power got quickly crushed when his mother and the King had a baby boy: Kalceran. As Lorién got older he grew to hate his brother for what was taken away from him.When Kal turned seven, on his birthday Lorién's anger and spite towards the Prince got the best of him and he took a table knife and slashed his little brother's throat. Luckily the High Priest was able to resurrect Kal, but the boy was left with huge amount of trauma and a set of overprotective parents.Lorién's actions ended up getting him disowned by the Royal family and banished from the castle. Instead of sending him to the dungeon, the King pitied him and sent him to the monastery for troubled boys - Abbey of Eona.This is where Lorién learned to fight like a monk and eventually climbed (and manipulated) his way up the hierarchy to the top.He's now the head of the place and in charge of the monastery. He's enjoying the little power he has on the place and continues twisting the Goddess Eona's beliefs to gain more following, still hoping to one day get his ass on the throne.

Time before the campaign started..
Leocoril never knew what happened to his parents but remembers living the first half of his life on the streets of Bright Capital as an urchin. When he turned 10 a man named Lorién caught him stealing and impressed by the boys temper offered him shelter.Lorién took Leo to the Abbey of Eona, a monastery for troubled boys, where he was trained to fight like a monk. Lorién (the head of this monastery) took a liking to the kid and started training him himself.Leo obviously looked up to the adult who saved him from the streets and was grateful for the private training sessions he got but he was starting to stand out in the group of troubled boys. The other kids at the monastery (troubled boys = bullies) already picked on him for being the only non-human in the bunch, and Lorién's special treatment wasn't helping. Little to say life at the monastery wasn't the best.There were strict rules to follow and Leo seemed to have more of them than the others. The "special" treatment he got from Lorien wasn't anything to be jealous about. Lorién was pushing Leo physically and mentally to his limits and was looking over his every move, he was being trained to follow orders like a dog. To Lorién Leo was a little project he could work on.. Shape this kid into a weapon.Leo became good at reading his mentors mood swings, keeping his head down, talking only when spoken to and doing what he was told to do. And he learned to fight, all the extra training made sure Leo was the best of the kids at the monastery. But slowly the training got too much, even for Leo. Lorién was pushing him to limits Leo wasn't ready to cross. Ever. Like taking someone's life.So at the age of 17 Leo decided to leave. He packed the little stuff he got, stole a dagger for safety, some money and food, and ran off.

Still ongoing...
Leo's original plan was to run as far away from the Monastery as he could, but on his way away he pumped into a group of travelers (the current D&D party). Maybe it was the promise of food or the nice company but Leo ended up joining the group on their way to the Bright Capital.They were simply supposed to stop at the Bright Capital, but the group ended up saving the city from a carnival gone wrong. Some of the carnival's price teddy bears came alive and tried to murder anyone that got on their way. In the group of citizens they saved was also the Prince of the Bright Capital, Kal. The King was so thankful to the group for saving his son and the city that the group was gifted a Manor at the outskirts of the Capital.Leo kept telling himself he was only going to stay for awhile and continue his run soon, but the newfound family has so far kept him distracted from doing so. Time living and adventuring with his party members has however brought back a glimpse of the curious and quick witted teenager he once used to be. He's taken the role as the youngest of the family and has grown attached to most of his fellow travellers, as well as his love interest Kal, the prince of the Bright Capital.His life before the party is an untalked topic and it would be a shame if his past, especially a certain blond Bastard Prince, caught up to him one day.

aka The Prince Of Bright Capital
When the carnival incident happened the party ended up saving not only the common town folk, but also the Prince of the Bright Capital: Kalceran, who was at the time undercover visiting the festival.At the beginning Leo didn't want to have anything to do with the Royal family, knowing the connection with Lorién (especially the prince) but Kal was persistent in trying to befriend the brunette boy.And maybe it was the shared trauma with Lorién or the fact that neither of the boys had never had any friends, but the two teenagers slowly started to get along. And by getting along I mean they fell head over heels for each other.Like many of their feelings (especially ones of a certain blonde man) were kept a secret for a long time, until Leo in a panic over the possibility of him dying while visiting the Hells decided to make a move on the Prince. He confessed his affection for the other and they quickly kissed before Leo's dangerous trip.Luckily everyone got back home safely from their adventures and Leo and Kal are once again united. They seem very happy with their new relationship even with the royal parents and Leo's newly discovered father breathing down their necks.

I thought it was important to introduce you to Leo's life long companion Toby as well.
Toby is a male mouse Leo picked up from the streets of the Bright Capital when he was a little kid. The mouse has been his only friend for his whole life, or as long as he can remember. Sure mice aren't supposed to live this long but Toby seems to be doing fine.Leo even used a Talk with Animals -scroll once to ask Toby about his age, but instead of getting any answers Leo seemed to give the pet a midlife crisis...

This is the story of Leo's father. All of this info about him is stuff Leo has so far figured out in game by talking to Alistar. This page will be updated if Leo finds out more about him.
Long story short, the reason Leo grew up without his father is because Alistar forgot he had a family. When Leo was still just a baby, he stole a cloak from the God of Thievery. This cloak could hide the face of the person wearing it, but as a cost it would make them forget who they were. So by using the cloak Alistar simply forgot he had a son and a wife.On Kal's 17th birthday (where Leo and his party were all invited) Alistar and a group called the Expendables tried to kidnap the Prince to hold him ransom. However Leo and his party pulled up and saved the day, not only saving Kal but eventually also lifting Alistar's curse.Alistar, after shortly running away to figure out what happened to his wife (she's not alive anymore), was sentenced to the Castle Prison, where Leo now sometimes visits him. Leo tells himself the reason he keeps visiting his father - even when the guy is the driest person EVER to talk to - is to gain information of his early life, but in reality the boy is still holding hope for the father-son relationship he's always dreamed of.

The dagger that Leo stole from the Monastery when he ran away ended up being more important than just any knife. He had stolen a dagger called "The Whisper".He only recently learned that the whole Monastery, not just Lorién, is actually after him for the knife.He's also now learned to use the dagger's magical abilities, although when used Leo doesn't feel too good. He often gets a bad nosebleeds after fights..(For D&D nerds: Leo has to roll to see if he looses a point of Constitution every time he uses the dagger in combat. Used too much, Leo could die.)
Here's some links to the character playlists, writings and boards me and our DM perie have made:
But that's it for now! Sorry for the bad writing, I tried to just get all the info in as little text as possible.. and for everyone asking: YES YOU CAN DRAW THEM! YES YOU CAN WRITE ABOUT THEM! YES YES YES YOU CAN COSPLAY THEM!! Just please let me see what you guys end up making (you can @ me on any platform).Also a shoutout to our DM for basically cowriting everything with me. I'd like o clarify: Kal and Alistar for example aren't my characters, just important NPC in the game and a big part of his story so I thought it would be important to at least mention them.Best way to keep up with the Campaigh lore is to follow my Instagram and especially my Twitch, since I give session recaps and talk about D&D there all the time!